This is a new conceptual blog

2008年3月24日 星期一

Shiawase 幸福

王力宏 愛你等於愛自己

王力宏 愛的就是你

自從開始放Spring Recess以來,每天都過的很幸福 :) 旅行‧幸福; 吃飯‧幸福; 逛街‧幸福; 拍照‧幸福; 睡覺‧幸福。我想是因為身心放鬆再加上媽媽在身邊的關係吧!發現每當感覺到幸福時腦子裡都會浮現這兩首歌,可能是因為Leehom在詮釋這兩首歌時詮釋的相當成功吧!單單聽這兩首歌我都會有幸福的感覺 :) 希望大家都和我現在一樣幸福!!! Cho Shiawase desu :D

2008年3月20日 星期四


自從發現Mocachino有賣木瓜牛奶以後,最近每次去那裡都只點木瓜牛奶。 回想上個semester還在抱怨美國的木瓜太貴,都沒有店家在賣木瓜牛奶,心想寒假回台灣一定要去喝,沒想到颱風過境,台灣的木瓜也都漲價了,也沒人賣了.... 當時真的晴天霹靂....現在有木瓜牛奶喝真好,可以解渴又解嘴饞 :) I Love Papaya :)

2008年3月19日 星期三

Requiem by Johannes Brahms

This week's assignment of CW R1A is to present a powerpoint of the first movement of Johannes Brahms's Requiem. I went to the music library to search the background information and the score of the requiem. The first movement is about blessing. However, in stark contrast to the overwhelming sorrow of Mozart’s unfinished requiem, Brahms offers his listeners peace and hope. Following is the first movement "Blessed are they that mourn" of the requiem which is about conveying blessing upon the mourners. Personally, I really like the atmosphere that Brahms creates in the first movement. Peace and Hope.

It somehow does reflect my mood this week as well.... with a little taste of sorrow...

2008年3月18日 星期二


這兩個禮拜的壓力真的很大...大的讓我一直逃避...都是Spring Recess害的...讓我的工作量增為原來的兩倍...Oh GOd....上個週末是有史以來第一次完全沒碰Archi的作業, 一直泡在Library裡面...可想而知有多忙了...這學期的課只能用"想捨卻捨不得"來形容啊...連改成Pass or not Pass 都不行 :S All I can do is crossing my fingers... haha...

發現每次壓力大的時候都會想聽這首歌... The beat really excites me :D 讓我不禁想起Summer Session 時趕Final Paper 的情景... 真懷念啊...


現在是零晨1點鐘,Essay和model的壓力讓我頭痛的無法入眠....心想應該利用緊接著的Spring Break好好改變自己... I need to be more

so random...haha

2008年3月17日 星期一

What I've Done

"What I've Done" by Linkin Park.

THe professor showed it to us on the first day of ISF class... which did overwhelm me very much... make me think of Randy's "Ecological Democracy". yup...

Ken Hirai

This is one of my favorite song :) Ken Hirai is one of few Japanese singers I like. His voice is pretty amazing. THe song, "Kiss of life" is the theme song of a Japanese drama called "Love Revolution."

這首 "Pop star" 是平井堅少見的快歌...每次聽都會跟著旋律搖擺,是首很可愛的歌 :)

下面的這個version是Ken Hirai這首歌的原版pv, cho kawai >///<, 可以看出他的搞笑潛力和演戲天份 LoL

.....with Brazilina subtitles..?!

Thumbnails for coat, desk, n' chair

Thumbnails for my coat, dest, n' chair....
I know it sounds pathetic... but this is my entire life for week7 at school

the 4th street

Short break to the 4th street

A lovely relaxing small street :)

I'm sleepy now..

Hi everyone,

NOw is 12:50 am in Monday morning and I'm WORN OUT!!! fInally finished my paper...So glad that I'm approaching my spring break... but my 3D model is still standing there on my desk staring at me... (i really do not wanna touch it...)


Now I think of Hiroshi and Gina's conversation:

Hiroshi, "Hey, do u wanna go to late night?"
Gina, "Uhm....Why asking me...I haven't gone to late night for a long time..."
Hiroshi, "Oh always work and come home later than late night..."



2008年3月16日 星期日

Kokoro by Oda Kazumasa

這是一首扣人心弦的歌,第一次看到這個pv時感動地偷偷地留下了幾滴淚 (因為當時在圖書館....) 是日劇"初吻"的主題曲,同時也小田和正睽違years的作品 :)
Anyway... Why am i still on my blog....? Oooooooops...

My New Blog

Bonjour :)

THis is the first blog in my life. It is composed in a nice sunny afternoon. I have a paper due in 7 and half hours and a 3D model due tomorrow...and I'm still here, sitting in front of my lap top, customizing my blog. Anyway, it's a open space to share my feelings and expressions from my daily life in the US. College is a turning point of my life, a start of persuing my dream of Architecture. Hope I can find the original intension of studying Architecture and be proud of myself when I look back to read my blog in the future. Travel diary and fun pictures will be posted here as well :) Dozo Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu!!!

今天是個晴朗無雲的天氣,是個用來開設人生第一個Blog再適合也不過的天氣了! (好像一點根據也沒有...) 目前有一篇報告和一個Model等著我在明天之前完成...but who cares... 現在的心情只映著B.L.O.G.四個字!!! 總之,這是個抒發日常生活感想的地方,也可以當成在美國生活的紀錄。大學是個人生的轉捩點,是個朝自己夢想邁進的起程點,希望長大後回來看這個地方時能找到當時讀Archi的初衷,能再度體會對建築最真實的感動。 這裡也將紀錄著開始接觸Archi後外出旅行的筆記及照片,希望大家會喜歡。 請各位多多指教囉 :)

P.S. 無法決定這個Blog的書寫語言...所以決定中英日法交錯使用,完全跟著當時的心情決定, 較能確切表達想法的語言和讀者的身分也是重要的因素之一 :D