Bonjour :)
THis is the first blog in my life. It is composed in a nice sunny afternoon. I have a paper due in 7 and half hours and a 3D model due tomorrow...and I'm still here, sitting in front of my lap top, customizing my blog. Anyway, it's a open space to share my feelings and expressions from my daily life in the US. College is a turning point of my life, a start of persuing my dream of Architecture. Hope I can find the original intension of studying Architecture and be proud of myself when I look back to read my blog in the future. Travel diary and fun pictures will be posted here as well :) Dozo Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu!!!
今天是個晴朗無雲的天氣,是個用來開設人生第一個Blog再適合也不過的天氣了! (好像一點根據也沒有...) 目前有一篇報告和一個Model等著我在明天之前完成...but who cares... 現在的心情只映著B.L.O.G.四個字!!! 總之,這是個抒發日常生活感想的地方,也可以當成在美國生活的紀錄。大學是個人生的轉捩點,是個朝自己夢想邁進的起程點,希望長大後回來看這個地方時能找到當時讀Archi的初衷,能再度體會對建築最真實的感動。 這裡也將紀錄著開始接觸Archi後外出旅行的筆記及照片,希望大家會喜歡。 請各位多多指教囉 :)
P.S. 無法決定這個Blog的書寫語言...所以決定中英日法交錯使用,完全跟著當時的心情決定, 較能確切表達想法的語言和讀者的身分也是重要的因素之一 :D
This is a new conceptual blog
1 則留言:
WAaaaaaah...I am sooo lazy~~ let's NOT do model togezther~~~fufufuuuooooh!! \(- 0 -)/ good job, I will check regularly...(<--stalker!!)